DAC 2023 | General & Society Awards

2023 Phil Kaufman Award for Distinguished Contributions to ESD

Giovanni De Micheli | EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland


IEEE Andrew S. Grove Award

H.S. Philip Wong | Stanford University, California, USA


IEEE Donald O. Pederson Solid-State Circuits Award

Ingrid Verbauwhede | KI Leuven, Belgium


IEEE Fellows

Sung Kyu Lim | Georgia Institute of Technology

For contributions to electronic design automation and the tradeoff for 3-dimensional integrated circuits

Sherief Reda | Brown University

For contributions to energy-efficient and approximate computing

Zhiru Zhang | Cornell University

For contributions to field-programmable gate array high-level synthesis and accelerator design

Norman Chang | Ansys, Inc

For leadership in the physical-level sign-off of Electronic Design Automation for SoC/ 3DIC

Ryan Kastner | University of California-San Diego

For contributions to the design and security of reconfigurable systems

Evangeline F.Y. Young | The Chinese University of Hong Kong 

For contributions to electronic design automation in VLSI physical design


IEEE/ACM A. Richard Newton Technical Impact Award in Electronic Design Automation

Moshe Vardi and Pierre Wolper

“An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Automatic Program Verification”, published in the proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Logic in Computer Science,1986.


ACM SIGDA Pioneering Achievement Award

Ron Rohrer | Southern Methodist University, Carnegie Mellon University


ACM Fellows

David Atienza | EPFL

For contributions to the design of high-performance integrated systems and ultra-low power edge circuits and architectures

Jörg Henkel | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

For contributions to hardware/software co-design of power and thermal efficient embedded computing

Farinaz Koushanfar | UC San Diego

For contributions to secure computing and privacy-preserving machine learning


DAC Under-40 Innovators Awards

Jianli Chen | Shanghai LEDA Technology Co., Ltd.; Fudan University

Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon | University of Utah

Sriram Rajamanohar | Keysight

Yiyu Shi | University of Notre Dame


DAC Marie R. Pistilli Women in Engineering Achievement Award

X. Sharon Hu | University of Notre Dame

This annual award, named for Marie R. Pistilli, the former organizer of DAC, recognizes individuals who have visibly helped advance women in Electronic Design.


P.O. Pistilli  Undergraduate Scholarship For Advancement In Computer Science And Electrical Engineering

Shane Williams | Princeton University


DAC Most Influential Paper (MIP) Awards

1960s "Sketch pad a man-machine graphical communication system" by Ivan E. Sutherland, 1964.

1970s  "A logic design structure for LSI testability" by E.B. Eichelberger, T.W. Williams, 14th DAC, 1977.

1980s  "Dagon: technology binding and local optimization by DAG matching” by K. Keutzer, 24th DAC, 1987.

1990s  "Symbolic Model Checking Using SAT Procedures Instead of BDDs" by A. Biere, A. Cimatti, E.M. Clarke, M. Fujita, Y. Zhu, 36th DAC, 1999.

A previously published (between 1964 and 2000) DAC paper that has demonstrated substantial academic and/or industrial impact in one or more of DAC’s research topics at the time.


ACM SIGDA Distinguished Service Award

Tulika Mitra | National University of Singapore


ACM SIGDA Distinguished Service Award

Patrick Groeneveld | Stanford University


ACM SIGDA Outstanding New Faculty Award

Tsung-Wei Huang | University of Utah


ACM SIGDA Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award

Zhiyao Xie | Duke University

Advisors: Yiran Chen and Hai Li 


ACM SIGDA Meritorious Service Award

Robert Wille | Technical University of Munich

Lei Jiang | Indiana University Bloomington

Hui-Ru Jiang |National Taiwan University

Jeyavijayan (JV) Rajendran‬ | Texas A&M University


ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems Best Paper Award

Atefeh Sohrabizadeh, Cody (Hao) Yu, Min Gao, and Jason Cong

AutoDSE: Enabling Software Programmers to Design Efficient FPGA Accelerators. ACM Trans. Des. Autom. Electron. Syst. 27, 4, Article 32 (February 2022).


ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems Rookie Author of the Year (RAY) Award

Yue Tang | University of Pittsburgh

EF-Train: Enable Efficient On-device CNN Training on FPGA through Data Reshaping for Online Adaptation or Personalization. ACM Trans. Des. Autom. Electron. Syst. 27, 5, Article 49 (June 2022) | Additional authors: Xinyi Zhang, Peipei Zhou, and Jingtong Hu


Best Paper Award for ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems

Niansong Zhang, Xiang Chen, and Nachiket Kapre

“RapidLayout: Fast Hard Block Placement of FPGA-optimized Systolic Arrays Using Evolutionary Algorithm,” ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems, Volume 15, Issue 4, June 2022, Article No.: 38, pp 1–23.


IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems Donald O. Pederson Best Paper Award

Xiaochen Peng, Shanshi Huang, Hongwu Jiang, Anni Lu, and Shimeng Yu

DNN+NeuroSim V2.0: An End-to-End Benchmarking Framework for Compute-in-Memory Accelerators for On-Chip Training


2023 DAC Poster Gladiator

Marco Meuli | STMicrosystems

Requirement Tracing for Design Flow in Communication Protocols IP


Conference Sponsors

