DAC 2024 | General & Society Awards

2024 Phil Kaufman Award for Distinguished Contributions to ESD

Lawrence Pileggi | EPFL, Carnegie Melon University


2024 IEEE Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Award Winner

Mary Jane Irwin | Pennsylvania State Univeristy


2024 IEEE/CEDA Outstanding Service Award

Jörg Henkel | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


IEEE Fellows

Jinjun Xiong | University of Buffalo

For contributions to process variation modeling, circuit yield optimization, and their applications in industry

Qinru Qiu | Syracuse University

For contributions to modeling and optimization of energy efficient computing systems

Haoxing Ren | NVIDIA

for contributions to physical synthesis of integrated circuits

Sri Parameswaran | University of Sydney

For contributions to embedded computer circuits and systems

Lei He | UCLA

For contributions to integrated circuits and smart energy systems

Tsung-Yi-Ho | The Chinese University of Hong Kong 

For contributions to design automation and test of microfluidic biochips


IEEE/ACM A. Richard Newton Technical Impact Award in Electronic Design Automation

Mircea Stan | University of Virginia

Wayne Burleson | University of Massachusetts Amherst


ACM SIGDA Pioneering Achievement Award

John Darringer | IBM Research


ACM Fellows

Anand Raghunathan | Purdue University

Rolf Dreschler | University of Bremen

Massoud Pedram | University of Southern California


DAC Under-40 Innovators Awards

Nishant Patil | Apple

Bei Yu | Chinese University of Hong Kong

Jintong Hu | University of Pittsburgh

Farimah Farahmandi | University of Florida

Bita Rouhani | NVIDIA


DAC Marie R. Pistilli Women in Engineering Achievement Award

Sashi Obilisetty, Director, R&D | Synopsys

This annual award, named for Marie R. Pistilli, the former organizer of DAC, recognizes individuals who have visibly helped advance women in Electronic Design.


DAC Most Influential Paper (MIP) Awards

2000s "Chaff: Engineering an Efficient SAT Solver" Presented at DAC 2001 by Conor Madiga, (MIT), Sharad Malik (Princeton University), Matthew Moskewicz (UC Berkley), Lintao Zhang (Princetone University), Ying Zhao (Princeton University)

A previously published (between 1964 and 2000) DAC paper that has demonstrated substantial academic and/or industrial impact in one or more of DAC’s research topics at the time.


ACM SIGDA Distinguished Service Award

Marilyn Wolf | University of Nebraska-Lincoln


ACM SIGDA Distinguished Service Award

Patrick Haspel | Synopsys


ACM SIGDA Outstanding New Faculty Award

Bonan Yan | Peking University


ACM SIGDA Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award

Lukas Burgholzer | Johannes Kepler University Linz


ACM SIGDA Meritorious Service Award

Weiwen Jiang | George Mason University

Tu-Guang (Andy) Chen | National Taiwan University

Fan Chen | Indiana University

Ahmad Sadeghi | TU Darmsradt


ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems Best Paper Award

Shimen Yu, Hongu Jiang, Shahi Huang | Georgia Tech University

Hardware-Aware Quantization/Mapping Strategies for Compute-In-Memory Accelerators


ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems Rookie Author of the Year (RAY) Award

Wenjing Jiang | University of Minnesota

A Machine Learning Approach to Improving Timing Consistency Between Global Route and Detailed Route


Best Paper Award for ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems

Tobias Alsonso | Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Lucian Petrica | Xilinx Research, Ireland, Mario Ruiz | Xilinx Research, Ireland, Jakoba Petri-Koening | Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, Yaman Umuroglu | Xilinx Research, Ireland, Ioannis Stamelos | InAccel, USA, Elias Koromilas​ | InAccel, USA, Michaela Blott | Xilinx Research, Ireland, Kees Vissers | Xilinx Research, USA

Elastic-DF: Scaling Performance of DNN Inference in FPGA Clouds through Automatic Partitioning


IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems Donald O. Pederson Best Paper Award

Zihao Yuan | Boston University, Prachi Shukla | Boston University, Sofiane Chetoui | Brown University, Sean Nemtzow | Boston University, Shereif Reda | Brown University, Ayse K Coskun | Boston University

PACT: An Extensible Parallel Thermal Simulator for Emerging Integration and Cooling Technologies


2024 DAC Poster Gladiator

Sri Sai Pavan Pasumarthi, Sudheer Yadapalli, Vineet Ooramkumarath | Qualcomm

Early Clock Tree Power Estimation and Correlation at SoC: A Case Study


Conference Sponsors

