DAC Tutorial Call for Proposals

Submission Requirements | Timeline | Selection | Frequently Asked Questions | Topics and Keywords

DAC is looking for timely, relevant and tangible hands-on topics that provide immediate value and learning for its attendees on design, methodology, design automation fundamentals, as well as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Design, EDA, and Systems.

The tutorial program will feature two tutorial formats which will benefit DAC attendees. DAC tutorials can be 1.5- or 3-hour sessions which will be held on Sunday, June 22, 2025.  
The short tutorial proposal must include 2 speakers and the long tutorial submission should have 3 or 4 speakers. Speakers in a tutorial must represent multiple different organizations; in other words, a tutorial must not be fully presented by a single organization.

Sample Topic Areas:

  • Traditional EDA topics (e.g., "Prevent Clock Domain Crossings from Breaking Your Chip")
  • Hot design topics (e.g., "How to design a low-power memory controller")
  • Autonomous systems, ML, Security (e.g., “Security Opportunities and Challenges of Emerging Technologies”)
  • Cloud, Embedded systems, IP (e.g., “EDA in the Cloud – Best Practices for Cloud Migration”)
  • Emerging software development topics (e.g., "How to get started writing iPhone apps"

 DAC requires all organizers and presenters to register for the full conference and they are eligible for the speaker rate; presentation is contingent on registering. All presenters must be registered by April 29.

​DAC reserves the right to restructure all tutorial suggestions.

Submission Requirements (ALL items must be completed for the submission to be considered)

  • Title of the Tutorial
  • Abstract of 500 words
  • Topic Area (a list is provided below)
  • Organizer(s) name, affiliation, city, state, country, and email address
  • Presenter(s) name, affiliation, city, state, country, and email address
  • Separate Attachment: Include Intended audience, organizer and presenter bios, and any other supporting material in this attachment.

IMPORTANT: Confirm the participation of your Presenter BEFORE submitting your proposal on November 19, 2024. Do not wait until February to find out if your tutorial has been accepted before obtaining confirmation.

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  • November 19, 2024: Submission Closes 
  • February 26, 2025: Accept/reject notification
  • March 13, 2025: Confirmation forms due
  • March 13, 2025: Final session details due for DAC.com
  • April 10, 2025: Presenter registration deadline
  • April 27, 2025: Draft materials due
  • May 25, 2025: Chair feedback provided
  • June 2, 2025: Final materials due
  • June 18, 2025: Materials Posted to DAC.com for attendees
  • June 9, 2025: Materials Posted to DAC.com for attendees
  • June 22, 2025: DAC begins!

IMPORTANT: If accepted, the tutorial must have the title, abstract and presenters finalized by March 13, 2025.

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Selection/Review Process

Tutorials are selected based on:

  • Breadth of interest in the area and the timeliness of the topic
  • Technical depth and breadth of the proposal
  • Differentiation from other tutorials and special sessions
  • Multiple viewpoints on the topic from multiple presenters with different affiliations
  • How well the topic fits within the overall content of the conference

For a submission to be accepted, all feedback provided by the Tutorial Chair must be implemented in the final tutorial.

Note: Every presenter is required to provide their presentation slides for electronic distribution to the tutorial attendees. Please seek legal approval from your company before submitting your proposal to us on November 19, 2024.  Secure legal approval of your final content (e.g. logos, IP, referenced content) before you submit your slides to us on April 25, 2025.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How are Tutorials structured at DAC?

DAC tutorials are 1.5 or 3 hour tutorials presented by you on Monday, June 22, 2025. This format enables attendees to participate in multiple tutorials, as well as in other DAC activities. In addition, DAC attendees will have the opportunity to learn about two different topics during that day. The preferred structure for a tutorial is to have multiple viewpoints on a topic from multiple presenters with different affiliations.

What topics is DAC looking for in a Tutorial?

DAC is looking for timely, relevant and tangible hands-on topics that provide immediate value and learning for its attendees on design, methodology, design automation fundamentals, as well as automotive electronics, hardware and embedded system security, machine learning and Internet of Things. Sample Topic Areas:

  • Traditional EDA topics (e.g., " Prevent Clock Domain Crossings from Breaking Your Chip")
  • Chiplet (e.g. "AI Computing Acceleration on Chiplets")
  • Autonomous systems, ML, Security (e.g. “Security Opportunities and Challenges of Emerging Technologies”)
  • Cloud, Embedded systems, IP (e.g. “EDA in the Cloud – Best Practices for Cloud Migration”)
  • Emerging technologies (e.g. "Quantum Circuit Design Automation")

What is the Tutorial submission process?

All proposals must be submitted by 5:00pm PT (-08:00 GMT) on November 19, 2024. For further information regarding DAC submissions, visit the DAC website or email the Tutorial Chair, Jiang Hu.


Who is Involved in a Tutorial?

Tutorial Organizer: The Organizer coordinates all tutorial activities with DAC, including ensuring that content is delivered in a timely manner and that the final presentation goes smoothly; follow through is critical.

  • The Organizer must interact frequently with the DAC Tutorial Chair.
  • The Organizer writes the proposal for the tutorial and the abstract that is submitted for proposal evaluation.
  • The Organizer selects and confirms the participation of the Presenter(s) (who could include the Organizer).
  • The Organizer writes the material that will be included in the Conference Program. It is very important that the Organizer write the Conference Program material to help a potential attendee decide whether they should attend this tutorial.
  • The Conference Program material should describe the target audience (e.g. EDA User, EDA tool developer, designer, SW engineer, Academic, embedded systems developer, etc.), and their expected level of familiarity with the topic (Expert/Intermediate/Beginner).
  • An Organizer can propose multiple tutorials on aligned topics with different speakers.

Presenter(s): The Presenter(s) is/are responsible for delivering the presentation.

  • The Presenter(s) must have a good speaking voice, and be clearly understandable by English speakers.
  • The Presenter(s) must be comfortable speaking before a large audience, and maintaining control of the audience.
  • The Presenter(s) is/are responsible for ensuring that the presentation slides and any handouts are of professional quality, clear and easy to understand, complete, and can be covered within the tutorial timeframe.
  • The Presenter(s) is/are responsible for being at the DAC Tutorial room 20 minutes before each scheduled presentation and staying until 10 minutes after the scheduled completion time to answer questions and coordinate a smooth delivery of the material.
  • The presenters must represent multiple different organizations.

How should I select a topic and a presenter?

First, the tutorial should be clear, informative, interesting, timely, and instructional. Please keep these qualifications in mind as you develop your topic ideas and consider your potential presenter. The topic should be relevant to one or more segments of DAC attendees, including: DA developers, designers, SW engineers and engineers who use DA, managers of DA developers and users, embedded systems developers, and members of the EDA industry.

When selecting a Presenter, choose a good communicator who is effective at explaining technical problems to a non-specialist audience. Consider that attendees expect to learn from a tutorial. Remember, presenters represent approaches and experiences, not companies. It is the responsibility of the Organizer to choose a presenter that has interesting viewpoints on the proposed topic.

Will my Tutorial be modified or changed?

There is a strong chance that the initial proposal may be changed. Once the tutorial submission has been reviewed, the Tutorial Chair will provide initial feedback that must be incorporated in the final tutorial. See timeline above for the deadlines.

What happens if more than one Tutorial submitted covers the same topic?

If multiple tutorial proposals are submitted on the same or similar topics, the Tutorial Chair may choose to accept one proposal over the others; or may decide to merge the proposed tutorial teams and require a unified presentation.

DAC is dedicated to the success of the tutorial program! Once the selection is final, you will be sent detailed guidelines and deadlines to assist you with your planning.

I still have some questions. Who do I contact?

Jiang Hu
DAC Tutorial Chair

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Please select up to two of the following Topic Areas:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Design
  • Electronic Design Automation
  • Security
  • Systems


Please select up to three of the following Keywords:

  • AI and Machine Learning
    Analog & Mixed-signal Design
  • Architecture & System Design
  • Chiplets and Interconnects
  • Circuits and Technology
  • Cloud Computing
  • Design Technology Co-optimization
  • Embedded Systems and IoT
  • Emerging Technologies
  • FPGA Systems
  • Formal/Static Methods
  • Low Power
  • Logic & High-level Synthesis
  • Manufacturing and Process
  • Physical Design
  • Quantum Computing
  • Safety & Reliability
  • Security & Privacy
  • Test
  • Verification & Validation


If a submission will be relevant to a specific industry or industries, one or more of the following industries may be selected:

  • Aerospace and Defense
  • Automotive
  • Consumer
  • Data Center
  • Industrial
  • Wireless Communications
  • Wired Communications

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