47th DAC | General & Society Awards

Marie R. Pistilli Women in EDA Achievement Award


Mar Hershenson     Vice President, Product Development, Custom Design Business Unit, Magma Design Automation, Inc., San Jose, CA

For her significant contributions in helping women advance in the field of EDA technology.

P.O. Pistilli Undergraduate Scholarships for Advancement in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering


2010 recipient: Corlan McDonald      Attending the Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando, FL. Majoring in Computer Science

The objective of the P.O. Pistilli Scholarship program is to increase the pool of professionals in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Computer Science from under-represented groups (women, African-American, Hispanic, Native American, and physically challenged). In 1989, ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation (SIGDA) began providing the program. Beginning in 1993, the Design Automation Conference provided the funds for the scholarship and a volunteer committee continues to administer the program for DAC. DAC normally funds a $4000 scholarship, renewable up to five years, to graduating high school seniors.

A. Richard Newton Graduate Scholarships


Student: Ryan J. Cochran, Abdullah N. Nowroz     Brown Univ., Providence, RI
Advisor: Sherief Reda    Brown Univ., Providence, RI

Project: Adaptive Hot Spot Cooling for Many-core Processors

Each year the Design Automation Conference sponsors the $24,000 A. Richard Newton Graduate Scholarship to support graduate research and study in Design Automation (DA), and Design with emphasis in “design and test automation of electronic and computer systems”. Each scholarship is awarded directly to a University for the Faculty Investigator to expend in direct support of one or more DA graduate students. The criteria are: the quality and applicability of the proposed research; the impact of the award on the DA program at the institution; the academic credentials of the student(s); and financial need. Preference is given to institutions that are trying to establish new DA research programs.

2019 Phil Kaufman Award for Distinguished Contributions to EDA

Sponsored by the EDA Consortium and IEEE Council on EDA

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Randal E. Bryant    Dean and University Professor of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University

Randy Bryant is the recipient of the prestigious 2009 Phil Kaufman Award for his seminal technological breakthroughs in the area of formal verification.

IEEE Circuits And Systems Society


2010 Pre-Doctoral Scholarship 1

Saeed Zeinolabedinzadeh Namarvar     Univ. of Tehran, Iran

IEEE CEDA Distinguished Service Award


Alfred E. Dunlop    Crossbow Consulting, LLC, Kattskill Bay, NY
Richard Clayton Smith    Consultant, Prosper, TX
Giovanni De Micheli    EEI/CSI, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

For distinguished service in establishing the IEEE Council on EDA.

ACM SIGDA Distinguished Service Awards

Matthew R. Guthaus     Univ. of California, Santa Cruz, CA

For distinguished service in establishing the IEEE Council on EDA.

Alex K. Jones     Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

For dedicated service to ACM/SIGDA and the Design Automation Conference as director of the University Booth program (2006-2009)

Diana Marculescu      Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA

For dedicated service as SIGDA Chair (2005-2009) and contributions to SIGDA, DAC and the EDA profession.(2006-2009)

ACM Athena Lecture Award


Mary Jane Irwin     Pennsylvania State Univ., State College, PA

For her outstanding research contributions to computer-aided design, computer arithmetic and computer architecture.

ACM Outstanding Phd Dissertation Award In Electronic Design Automation


Himanshu Jain     Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA

For the dissertation: Verification Using Satisfiability Checking, Predicate Abstraction, And Craig Interpolation.

SIGDA Outstanding New Faculty Award


Deming Chen    Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
Puneet Gupta     Univ. of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA

The SIGDA Outstanding New Faculty Award recognizes a junior faculty member early in his/her academic career who demonstrates outstanding potential as an educator and/or researcher in the field of electronic design automation.

ACM Transactions On Design Automation Of Electronic Systems (TODAES) 2010 Best Paper Award


Hao Yu    Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore, Singapore
Joanna Ho    Univ. of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
Lei He     Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA

For Paper Titled: Allocating Power Ground Vias In 3-D Ics For Simultaneous Power And Thermal Integrity ACM TODAES 14(3) Article 41, May 2009.

The Award recognizes the best paper published in the ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems in the time window from April 2008 issue to January 2010 issue.


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