Kathy Herring Hayashi 's Moment

DAC Reception

DAC Reception

DAC Registration

So many fond memories from DAC. One of my first DAC moments, fresh out of college, was sitting in on a session about women in engineering which really resonated with me. When asked to do a trip report, that's ALL I wrote about - and I wrote pages! When I turned in my report, my boss politely asked if there was anything ELSE I attended that week? note: I now write trip reports that include the rest of the sessions, but I'm still very active in STEM and Women in Engineering events today.

Another memorable event, I think it was 1990 DAC, was golfing in Orlando with the founders of Verilog from Gateway with Joe Costello in the foursome in front. I think I still have my gold Cadence putter from that event.

It has been an amazing journey being involved in semiconductor software, watching the technologies evolve and getting the pulse of the industry from DAC through all these years. Looking forward to a grand 50th celebration. Congratulations DAC!

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