Zhuo Li's Moment

DAC Posters

DAC Posters

I can think of several DAC moments from the many DACs I’ve attended, but the 43rd DAC held in San Francisco in 2006 after its 11-year absence holds special, unforgettable moments. First, the wonderful Ellen Sentovich was the chair that year and surprised the EDA industry by opening the conference with a keynote from none other than Joe Costello, the former CEO of Cadence. In his own inimitable way, he bounded onto the stage in a loud Hawaiian shirt and proceeded to hold the standing-room only crowd enthralled. And, in a fit of brilliant showmanship, fell on the stage, imitating a fish. (If you weren’t there and don’t see the relevance, check out the video of his talk on the DAC website. It is unforgettable.)

My fondest moment of this DAC happened the Friday before the conference opened. That’s when my husband, pressed into service wearing his running clothes, chauffeured Ellen, Dylan McGrath from EE Times and me, the DAC publicity chair that year, to San Francisco City Hall. We were there to meet the then Mayor, Gavin Newsom, who proclaimed Tuesday, July 25, 2006 as Design Automation Conference Day in San Francisco. That bit of pageantry took every ounce of ingenuity Ellen and I had, along with working every contact we had around San Francisco. But we prevailed and succeeded.

Mayor Newsom could not present the proclamation in person during the conference, but agreed to be videotaped awarding it, which is why we happened to be at City Hall that Friday. Dylan was there to interview him on camera. And, my husband Tony stayed outside City Hall and proceeded to act as official wedding photographer for more than one newly married couple.

Yes, I’m sure you agree that this is a grand DAC moment. DAC exhibitors: I’m challenging you to think like Joe Costello and display some showmanship in your booths this year. And, you too will have a DAC moment worth remembering.


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