54th DAC Best Paper/Presentation Nominations
- No-Jump-Into-Basic-Block: Enforce Basic Block CFI on the Fly for Real-World Binaries
- Fault-Tolerant Training With On-Line Fault Detection for RRAM-Based Neural Computing Systems
- Towards Aging-Induced Approximations
- Low-Overhead Aging-Aware Resource Management on Embedded GPUs
- Low-Power On-Chip Network Providing Guaranteed Services for Snoopy Coherent and Artificial Neural Network Systems
- Toward Optimal Legalization for Mixed-Cell-Height Circuit Designs
- HALWPE: Hardware-Assisted Light Weight Performance Estimation for GPUs
- Age-Aware Logic and Memory Co-Placement for RRAM-FPGAs
- A 700fps Optimized Coarse-to-Fine Shape Searching Based Hardware Accelerator for Face Alignment
- Ivory: Early-Stage Design Space Exploration Tool for Integrated Voltage Regulator
- Automated Systolic Array Architecture Synthesis for High Throughput CNN Inference on FPGAs
- Crossroads - Time-Sensitive Autonomous Intersection Management
- Efficient Bayesian Yield Optimization Approach for Analog and SRAM Circuits
- Secure and Reliable XOR Arbiter PUF Design: An Experimental Study Based on 1 Trillion Challenge Response Pair Measurements
All presentations will be considered for the Best Presentation Award.