Additional Meeting/Co-located Event Request Form


  1. Groups looking to host an Additional Meeting or Co-located Event at DAC must complete this Request Form no later than Friday, February 7, 2025.  Each meeting requires its own form to be submitted.  There is no guarantee that the DAC Show Management team can accommodate late requests.
  2. Additional Meetings/Co-located Events may take place on Sunday, June 22 – Wednesday, June 25 at the Moscone Convention Center, except for during the Keynotes from 8:45am-9:45am. Groups will be assigned space on a first-come, first-serve basis. DAC Show Management cannot guarantee that all requests received will be accommodated, pending space availability.
  3. If you are planning an off-site or virtual meeting, this form is not necessary.  The DAC Show Management team does not provide logistical assistance with offsite or virtual meetings.  However, all details for offsite/virtual meetings should be sent to Kaitlyn Phillips at – the DAC Show Management team must confirm whether it conflicts with any other DAC programing.
  4. After submission, any logistical changes to an Additional Meeting/Co-located Event must be emailed directly to Kaitlyn Phillips at  
  5. Room assignments for each Additional Meeting/Co-located Event will be provided in mid-March.
  6. Exhibitor Meeting Room Requests follow a separate process from this Additional Meeting/Co-located Event form. Questions regarding Exhibitor Meeting Rooms should be sent to Lili Erickson at
  7. Collocated Event Requests: Collocated events are subject to approval by DAC, ACM and IEEE. Collocated groups pay a room rental fee of $2,000 plus F&B, AV, etc.
  8. Additional Meeting Requests: Additional Meetings are subject to approval by DAC leadership. Additional Meeting groups pay a room rental fee of $1,500 for a full day or $500 for a half day plus F&B, AV, etc.
  9. Additional/Collocated meeting attendees must be registered for DAC in order to attend your meeting. You are free to create a separate registration link that requires attendees to pre-register for your meeting specifically.

Costs & Payment Process

  1. The Additional Meeting/Co-located Event main point of contact will receive an email two weeks after the form is submitted with a quote for the room rental, and room set fees (if applicable).
  2. Audio visual requirements, food/beverage, utilities, and other production expenses are not included in your room rental fee. Orders for these items must be placed by your Primary Contact with the appropriate contractors and paid separately. Contact information for each contractor will follow with confirmation of your room assignment.
  3. Payments to host your meeting will be sent out by Friday, May 2, 2025. Payment is due in full at this time.

Completing the Additional Meeting/Co-located Event request form below signifies that you have read the above guidelines and understand that your group will be responsible for paying for all approved execution costs.


For questions and information regarding Additional Meeting/Co-located Event Requests, please contact Maddie Walczak at


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