RISC-V International & Members at the 57th Annual Design Automation Conference!
Members of RISC-V International will be delivering numerous presentations and hosting discussions and tutorials at the annual Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2020, taking place from Monday, July 20 through Friday, July 24, showcasing RISC-V’s incredible momentum since its inception ten years ago at the University of California, Berkeley. The presentations, discussions and tutorials will focus on new and exciting developments and implementations from the RISC-V community, spotlighting... Read More

Designer and IP Tracks Swell with Focus on ML, Security, and Traditional EDA Methodologies
What are designers keenly interested in as the 57th Design Automation Conference (DAC) approaches? If you said machine learning (ML), you’d be only partially right. Based on designer and IP tracks submissions to the 57th edition of the venerable electronics-industry event, ML – how to design with it and optimize EDA tools and flows using it – is a hot topic. But so too are more traditional avenues of exploration for practicing designers, such as physical design, abstraction, verification,... Read More

A Rise in AI Submissions, Leading to a Strong 2020 Conference Program
As the industry heads deeper into 2020, it’s obvious that the research and application of AI/ML architectures and solutions will continue to accelerate. In fact, a simple metric to support this claim can be measured by examining the number of AI/ML architecture and system design papers that were recently submitted for review to the 2020 Design Automation Conference (DAC).  In 2018, 56 AI/ML architecture and system... Read More


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