Frank Schirrmeister
Engineering Tracks Program Chair

Henning Spruth
Engineering Tracks Program Vice Chair




Engineering Tracks Special Sessions Guidelines

Special Session presentations will have a 90-minute session for their presentations or panel discussions. Please use the following deadlines to prepare for your participation.

If you notice an issue with your presentation in the DAC program or need to request a change, please submit a change request.



  • September 27, 2024: Call for Contributions opens
  • January 16, 2025Call for Contributions closes
  • February 26, 2025: Accept/Reject notifications will be sent out 
  • March 13, 2025: Confirmation Forms Due - Accepted presentations and posters must submit a confirmation form
  • April 10, 2025: Speaker registration deadline
  • April 25, 2025: Bio & Draft Slides Due - Submission deadline for draft of final presentations and/or posters and speaker bios (for full talks only). All material will be reviewed by Session Chairs
  • May 27, 2025: Slide Feedback - Deadline for Session Chairs to communicate slide presentation feedback to authors
  • June 2, 2025: Final Slides - Deadline for authors to submit final poster and/or presentation slides and video
  • June 22, 2025: DAC begins!

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I need an invitation letter for my visa. How do I request this?

Prior to the launch of registration on March 20, authors may request an invitation letter by submitting our visa letter request form. After registration is open, you may request a letter as part of the registration process.

Do I need to register for DAC? If so, which registration rates are acceptable?

Yes, Engineering Tracks presenters must be registered for DAC at either the Full Conference or Engineering Tracks rate. You may not present at DAC or attend Engineering Track sessions using I LOVE DAC registration rates. 

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  • Slides are optional, but you are required to use the DAC template for all presentations
  • Please submit a consolidated PDF for all presenters.
  • ONLY PPT, PPTX, or PDF files are allowed
  • Only landscape format may be used
  • We do not allow any information in the footer except for the page number. Everything else will just distract from the content of the slides
  • Company/University name and/or logo may only appear on the title (first slide) page
  • Please note if the presentation guidelines and template are not used in the final pre-recorded video your presentation may be removed from the program. 

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Please attend the Speaker's Breakfast the day of your presentation:

  • Monday, June 23 at 7:30am
  • Tuesday, June 24 at 7:30am
  • Wednesday, June 25 at 7:30am


Meeting rooms will have the following equipment:

  • LCD Projector 
  • 16x9 Aspect Ratio Screen 
  • Laptop Computer with Microsoft Office 
  • Wireless Lavaliere Microphone
  • Audio Equipment
  • Aisle Microphones for Questions
  • Laser Pointer
  • Speaker Timer


Practice rooms will be available for:

  • Last-minute polishing.
  • Rehearsing your presentation in front of friends or colleagues.
  • Fine-tuning your timing.

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I need an invitation letter for my visa. How do I request this?

Prior to the launch of registration on March 20, authors may request an invitation letter by submitting our visa letter request form. After registration is open, you may request a letter as part of the registration process.

Do I need to register for DAC? If so, which registration rates are acceptable?

Yes, Engineering Tracks presenters must be registered for DAC at either the Full Conference or Engineering Tracks rate. You may not present at DAC or attend Engineering Track sessions using I LOVE DAC registration rates. 

Why Engineering Tracks Tracks? How is it different from the Research Track?

The Engineering Tracks are intended specifically for design engineers. This complements DAC’s strong research focus on algorithms and methodology. 

Are Engineering Tracks presentations and posters included in the DAC Proceedings?

No. However, Engineering Tracks posters and/or presentation slides will be made available online if the authors give permission. They will be made available on the DAC website after the conference as a part of the DAC Archive.

Do I have to use a DAC template for my presentation?

Yes, you must use the DAC template.

May I add an additional author(s) after submission?

No. All authors should be included at submission.

What does an Engineering Tracks presentation entail?

Authors of accepted presentations will be allocated 15 minutes in a Engineering Tracks session: 13 minutes for the presentation, 1 minute for wrap-up, and 1 minute for Q/A. In addition, presenters are required to present a poster describing their work (see below for poster guidelines) at one of the hour-long Engineering Tracks poster sessions and be available for the entire hour to discuss their work with interested attendees. This provides an opportunity for extended discussion with interested members of the audience.

All accepted presentations are expected to submit a video of their presentation in advance of the event. This does not replace participation in the event. At least one author must attend and present at the live event.

What does an Engineering Tracks poster entail?

Each author is allocated a 42” tall x 36” wide area for a poster. Engineering Tracks poster sessions will run for one hour, and may include 20-30 posters. Poster authors are welcome to distribute additional material to interested attendees at the poster session. Such material can include extended abstracts and whitepapers.

All accepted posters are expected to submit a video of their presentation in advance of the event. This does not replace participation in the event. At least one author must attend and present at the live event.

What's the difference between an Engineering Tracks poster and an Engineering Tracks presentation?

Engineering Tracks presentations are oral presentations similar to those in the DAC research track. Engineering Tracks presentations are scheduled in sessions that run parallel to the rest of the DAC program and also include a poster presentation at a Designer Track poster session at the end of the day. If you are selected for a full presentation, you must produce both a slide presentation and a poster for post-session questions and discussion.

Engineering Tracks poster-only presentations must only produce a poster that will be presented during a poster-only session to be held at the end of the day on the exhibit floor for maximum exposure and discussion.

Do the Engineering Tracks tracks have “Best of” awards?

Yes! Best Presentation awards will be selected from each Track. The awards will be based on (a) the quality of the submission, (b) the presentation given at DAC, and (c) the presentation at the poster session. The final selection will be made at the conference by an award committee. The Best Presentation Award will be announced in the DAC general session.

What should my slide presentation look like?

Remember that your slides must be presented in 13 minutes, plus 1 minute for wrap-up. Presenting meaningful content in a short time is challenging and requires careful thought and planning. 

My question isn’t answered here! Where can I get an answer?

Please address any unanswered questions to Frank Schirrmeister, 62st DAC Engineering Tracks Program Chair, or Henning Spruth, Engineering Tracks Vice Chair

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