Countdown to the Designer, IP and Embedded Track Submission Deadline for DAC 2021
Posted on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 - 16:00 by Ambar Sarkar, NVIDIA, 58th DAC Designer, IP and Embedded Program Chair
The Designer and IP tracks have been a vital part of the DAC program since 2010, and I am honored to chair the Designer, IP and Embedded tracks for the 58th DAC. The Embedded track was added to the program last year to highlight this growing topic area in the design community.   Putting on DAC is a huge undertaking, and much of the work involved is done by volunteers from industry and academia. Each track contains submitted work as well as special invited sessions. The Designer,... Read More

#58DAC, 1: Building a Great Conference with a Strong Foundation
Posted on Monday, October 19, 2020 - 01:00 by Harry Foster, General Chair, 58th DAC
Typically, people use the phrase “Rome wasn’t built in a day” to remind others that time is required to create something truly great. Now, what does this have to do with the Design Automation Conference? While it might seem like we held the 57th DAC just a few weeks ago, time doesn’t stand still. In fact, the 58th DAC team began laying bricks for next year’s event by holding its first kickoff meeting only three weeks after completing this year’s virtual event. And for the 58th DAC, I am truly... Read More


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